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MOST EFFICIENT FOR FAT LOSS Overall, the evidence suggests that HIIT is the most efficient method for achieving fat loss. MOST EFFICIENT METHOD OF EXERCISE The weight management most efficient equipment for weight management doing HIIT training is the 4 minute weight management ROM exercise device. It may also be the most expensive equipment in terms of money. In terms of time investment and results, it is by far the least expensive way to get the health and fitness benefits with maximum fatloss that are obtained from exercise. E-mail to a friend Print this Page How To Maximize Fat Loss With Little Or NO Exercise! By Jesse Cannone CFT, CPRS, SPN Weight loss is a billion-dollar industry because everyone is looking for the quick fix when it comes to losing weight. The problem is losing weight takes time, unless of course you go on The Atkins Diet and lose a lot of muscle and water! Everyone wants to burn body fat yet few people understand how the human body uses fat for fuel!