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Do the following exercises in order, taking no rest between stations. Once you’ve completed one circuit, rest for two minutes before going around again. You should complete at least two circuits but you can do up to four if you’re feeling particularly strong. Perform the workout abdominal programs three abdominal programs times a week for four weeks, leaving at least one day between workouts. Sean Singleton is an expertise coach at David Lloyd Leisure and educates fitness coaches and personal trainers. For your nearest David Lloyd Leisure gym visit or phone 020 8573 9378. MORE FAT LOSS:Fitness, Workouts: Fat Loss - Punch line - Fat LossFitness, Workouts: Fat Loss - Burn Time - Fat LossFitness, Workouts: Fat Loss - Circuit Training - Fat loss MORE FITNESS Workouts Ask The Experts 12-Week Plan - 2Super Power - AbsStretch yourselfShock Tactics - Abs12-Week Plan - Part 1Punch line - Fat Loss8-Week Plan - AbsSee all Workouts Diet drinks, bad?Diet