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1x10*, 1x6, 1x4 Cable Lateral Raises 1x10*, 1x8, 1x8 Triceps Sets & Reps Triceps Pressdowns (v-bar) 1x25*, 1x12*, 1x10 Skull Crushers 1x10*, 1x6, 1x4 Tricep Extensions 1x12, 1x10, 1x10 * Denotes warm-up set Tuesday - Day 2 Back Sets & Reps Deadlifts 1x10*, 1x8*, 1x6 T-Bar Rows 1x12*, 1x10*, 1x8 Bent Rows 1x12*, 1x10*, 1x8 Traps Sets & Reps D. Bell Shrugs 1x12-15*, 1x 10*, 1x6 Behind Back B. Bell Shrugs 1x12*, 1x8, 1x8 * Denotes warm-up membership set membership Thursday - Day 4 NOTE: 5 membership minutes of light cardio before hand to warm up knees. Legs Sets & Reps Leg Extensions 1x25*, 1x15*, 1x12* Stiff Legged Deadlifts 1x15*, 1x12*, 1x10 Squats 1x12*, 1x10*, 1x6, 1x4 Leg Presses 1x12*, 1x10*, 1x8, 1x8 Leg Extensions 1x8, 1x8, 1x8 Hamstring Machine Curls 1x12*, 1x10, 1x10 Calf Raises 1x15*, 1x10, 1x10, 1x10 * Denotes warm-up set Friday - Day 5 Chest Sets & Reps Incline Bench Press 1x15*, 1x10, 1x8 Flat Bench Press 1x12*, 1x8, 1x6 D.