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Do not include the %. Click on the Calculate disease button, and it will calculate your target heart rate or that percentage. Your Age in Years Resting Heart Rate % of Maximum Effort Your Target Heart Rate % Therefore, working at 45% intensity level, disease beats per minute value is 89.55 The calculation disease provided may be used to determine intensity required throughout the program. The mathematical formula provided will assist you in determining: Lean Mass [If you are losing fat or muscle] Macronutrient Requirements Intensity requirements of cardiovascular work Weight Training Regimen Constructing an appropriate weight-training regimen to augment a fat-loss program can be confusing. Therefore it is important to keep several realities in mind: Due to reduced carbohydrate consumption and reduced fat consumption, testosterone levels will be decreased Resulting from decreases in testosterone levels some strength will be lost Due to caloric and macronutrient restriction recovery ability will be reduced, thus increasing the opportunity for overtraining Joints will be more vulnerable resulting from decreased water retention and lowered anabolic hormone levels Therefore, with these realities in mind, it is wise to incorporate more cable movements into ones workout.