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Thus, muscle recognizes that glycogen stores are low so one of its main actions on line weight loss program post exercise is to replenish these stores, this process requires energy [3]. However, if we have only completed low intensity work which has little impact on muscle glycogen stores, (i.e. can be supplied primarily from blood glucose) then post exercise metabolic demand is smaller leading to a lower caloric deficit and less weight loss [4]. Another bonus of glycogen depleting exercise is that we can use peripheral fat stores on line weight loss program such as subcutaneous fat to replace depleted intramuscular triglyceride stores [5]; another advantage for positive changes in body composition. A final note on the high intensity work as the way to go for fat loss, is training on an empty stomach, i.e. first thing in the morning. This further forces your body to use fat stores more readily as blood glucose and muscle glycogen will be low after a night of sleep and no food. Many of you will know this already but what you might not know is by training in a fasted state up-regulates your ability to use fats as fuel, so carrying out any exercise in this physiological state will automatically increase the proportion of fat utilized as your driving energy source [6].