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[figure 4] [figure 5] Note mineola. -- The submax test was run over 6 stages, although data exists to show fat oxidation does mineola. not reach its peak until 20 minutes once exercise has started. Therefore it could be argued that each stage of exercise (30% VO2max and 70% VO2max) should last 20 minutes for a fare comparison. The author believes the difference between the test protocol used to calculate the graphs in this article (3 minutes per stage) mineola. and the 20 min protocols would give similar trends in fat and carbohydrate oxidation based on previous studies. Post-Exercise Burn: A BIGGER Part Of The Fat Loss Puzzle. The above sort of slams the low intensity hypothesis already but I just want to place a few more nails in the coffin. Post-exercise oxygen consumption is one way scientists assess if we have had a shift in resting metabolic rate because of the exercise we have undertaken. When we need to replace lost fuels, build new muscle or carry out any process that requires energy (usually in the form of the high energy phosphate--ATP), the little power houses of our muscles known as mitochondria (where ATP is produced) need oxygen to carry out many of their functions.