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That ongoing Red Flag campaign provides guidance to assist media outlets in voluntarily screening out lower blood sugars weight-loss ads that contain claims that are too good to be true. “False and misleading advertisements are about as credible as a note from the Tooth lower blood sugars Fairy,” said Federal Trade Commission Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras. “As part of our ‘no tolerance’ policy, we are announcing six new cases against advertisers using bogus weight loss claims. By also working with media outlets to reject false ads and educating consumers to make informed choices, the lower blood sugars FTC hopes to keep this national obesity epidemic from getting worse.” The cases announced today challenge ads containing false Red Flag claims for a variety of products, including pills, powders, green tea, topical gels, and diet patches. The FTC alleges in each case that the weight-loss claims are false and that the defendants did not have adequate substantiation for the claims they made.