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My wife and I both thank you fitness training for helping us live a healthier life." -- Donald Graves - Chicago, Illinois Review Of The Ab-Doer This product uses a twisting motion to target both the upper and lower portions of your abdominal muscles, sides, and lower fitness training back. And by doing extended routines, the idea is that you will burn fat due to a cardiovascular workout. (Click here to view product website) In Theory Yes - Reality No. Our fitness staff gave this machine a trial workout. Our staff is fitness training in very good shape, and when they used it, they felt pain in their backs. Some of the exercises they give you to do, just feel very uncomfortable and awkward. The website says “ The Ab-Doer is the abdominal machine of choice for many people who train their bodies professionally”. So take that for what it is, unless you are a professional, (and even if you are), this is not the right place to start.