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Ridiculous right? But this is exactly what you're doing when you have no specific written goals at all, or when you want to gain muscle one day and lose fat the next (or do both at the same time). You have to make up your mind! "A made up mind attunes itself to tremendous extra power," wrote Napoleon Hill. You must choose a definite course, make a hypoxia clear-cut, definite decision and follow through with action in one specific direction. There must be no doubt. If on hypoxia one hand you want to get ripped, but on the other hypoxia hand you’re worried about losing all your muscle, you will unconsciously sabotage yourself every time. 5 MEALS A DAY FOR WOMEN, SIX MEALS A DAY FOR MEN.... OR JUST FUGGETABOUTIT! Most fitness conscious people already understand the importance of meal frequency, but they figure they can "get by" with three "square" meals. Comparing three "squares" to six meals a day is like comparing a Porsche 911 Turbo to a Yugo. Yes, you can get some results with three well constructed meals, but you'll never get anywhere near your maximum potential (and it will take a lot longer).