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The worst side effect of the VLCD computrainer is one that few people think of because it requires a long-term perspective and most people are caught up in short term results: For the average non-competitor, it's very difficult to permanently keep the fat off if it’s computrainer lost computrainer through VLCD’s. VLCD's set you up for a big rebound. Bodybuilders often use VLCD's successfully before contests, but bodybuilders are extreme athletes with incredible discipline and willpower. I know bodybuilders who are so "hard core" that they can eat nothing but tuna fish out of the can for 12 weeks, then go back to a normal, balanced diet - no problem - no bingeing. That's a rare feat. Lots of people lose weight on very low carb diets. Few keep it off. I've seen people go on massive, uncontrollable binges of doughnuts, pizza and Ben & Jerry's (Chunky Monkey!),