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1 health & fitness pound) and percentage body fat (2.4% for 0.6%). Those women with the COMT polymorphism had a smaller decrease in percentage body fat (0.7% vs. 1.9%). Implication: These results suggest that genetic polymorphisms in at least two genes, health & fitness CYP19 and COMT, may be important for body fat regulation. Specifically, these gene forms may influence the effect of exercise on fat loss in post-menopausal women. This finding is significant because fat loss is important for lowering the risk of several chronic diseases. Knowing a person's polymorphic status for these two genes health & fitness could explain why some women lose more weight than others in response to exercise and could alter the weight loss approach or warrant other interventions. Citation: Tworoger SS, Chubak J, Aiello EJ, Yasui Y, Ulrich CM, Farin FM, Stapleton PL, Irwin ML, Potter JD, Schwartz RS, McTiernan A. The effect of CYP19 and COMT polymorphisms on exercise-induced fat loss in postmenopausal women.