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applied physiology at work in this program even allows you fitness / exercise to use your own stored bodyfat to fuel muscle growth rather than just food. This means even faster fat loss.Honestly, the result is fitness / exercise a program that has gone far beyond even my own expectations.Why did I come up with the "Metabolic Surge" program? Let me put it this way - I know how hard you work at your training. I've seen you and people just like you in gyms all over the world, struggling fitness / exercise to get the most return for the hard training you do. It always pained me to see people trying so hard yet getting nowhere because they didn't know what they needed to do to get results.I also know that when you want results, you want them FAST. You don't deserve to settle for slow results. I know that if you had the opportunity to learn how to take the effort and energy that you're ALREADY putting into your training and make it 2 to 3 times MORE EFFECTIVE for fat burning, you'd jump on it, right?