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The defendants primarily use Spanish-language ads. The complaint alleges that the defendants make false e zine and unsubstantiated claims: (1) that 1-2-3 Reduce Fat causes weight loss by blocking and eliminating fat; (2) that the green tea extract blocks up to 40 percent of the absorption of fat; and (3) that the aloe e zine vera and seaweed gel eliminates inches of fat. The complaint also alleges that the defendants make e zine false and unsubstantiated claims that the Siluette Patch: (1) causes substantial weight loss when worn on the body; (2) causes rapid weight loss with no dietary changes; (3) eliminates cellulite and controls metabolism; and (4) eliminates accumulated fat. The complaint also alleges that the defendants make false and unsubstantiated claims that Fat Seltzer Reduce: (1) causes rapid and permanent weight loss; (2) causes fat to be absorbed and eliminated fast and easily through the urine; and (3) causes weight loss without the need to diet or exercise.