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By changing the angles of the exercises, along with changes in resistance and rest, the diet fitness muscle is diet fitness now in a state of confusion. It is more likely to use 100% muscle contraction to complete the movements. Keep in mind that repetition ranges are only some guides. Each exercise should be completed to momentary muscle failure. You should never train with this type of intensity, unless the muscle has been properly stretched and warmed up. Having a training partner is essential to work to diet fitness muscle failure. Recuperation My clients are always amazed when they find out that most of their muscle growth occurs while they are sleeping, and not during their workouts. Recuperation is a subject that receives too little attention and is often misunderstood. We are conditioned to think in order to succeed we must work hard and little value is placed on rest. During intense resistance training there is cellular damage that takes place in the millions of myofibrils, that make up our muscle structure.