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Jump hard, pull hard and move the feet fast. Bring the bar down and go right literature into the next rep. Put the bar down when resting. When 5x10 is relatively easy, add a set and do 6x10. Work up slowly to 10x10. Then add 10 lbs to the bar and start literature back at 5x10. Continue this type of progression. Make sure literature to maintain good form and good bar speed. Walking Lunges: 3x10+10. These will make a person very sore, so take it easy. As you get used to the lunges, you can hold a DB or KB in your hands while you lunge. Coach Burgener has his athletes do walking lunges but makes them hold the bottom position and curl and press the DB's before they come up and take the next stride. Pullups/Jackknife Pushups: these are done density style (sets on the minute). You can be creative here. For example, one can do 3 pullups and 3 jackknife pushups and rest the remainder of the minute.