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You need carbohydrate management, not carbohydrate elimination. Over the last 12 years, business opportunities with more than 10,000 clients I've found by reducing carbohydrates by 20% of daily needs and within 48 hours replenishing the glycogen in the muscle by eating 100% of daily carbohydrate requirements, allows for fat loss, without muscle loss. In essence you have two fat burning business opportunities days, then a recovery day. By doing this you'll have the best of both worlds. You will experience fat loss that averages between 1-2 pounds weekly, while muscles are being well fed. You never drastically deplete business opportunities the glycogen stores in the muscle so athletic performance is not affected like on a low carb diet. 2. Exercise on days where you are receiving more carbohydrates. Exercising on days where muscle are getting more carbohydrates for fuel and taking days off from exercise when you are being aggressive about fat loss.