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These authors have previously shown that women who participated in a year-long moderate-intensity exercise intervention fat woman sex reduced their BMIs and lost body fat compared to women who maintained a sedentary lifestyle. There were differences fat woman sex in the amount of body fat and weight reduction that might be explained by variability in genes involved in estrogen and androgen production. Advance: To test this new hypothesis, researchers enrolled 50-75 year-old postmenopausal women in a 225 minutes/week moderate exercise program for one year. Genetic polymorphisms for two genes, CYP19 and COMT, involved in the conversion of estradiol into testosterone fat woman sex or less active metabolites were examined. Exercisers with the CYP19 polymorphism had a larger decrease in total fat (7 pounds lost vs. 1 pound) and percentage body fat (2.4% for 0.6%). Those women with the COMT polymorphism had a smaller decrease in percentage body fat (0.7% vs. 1.9%). Implication: These results suggest that genetic polymorphisms in at least two genes, CYP19 and COMT, may be important for body fat regulation.