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Yes fruits do contain sugar, but so does orange juice. I mean? Are you really going to hardcore bodybuilding cut out your vitamins from a natural source just to cut a few grams of sugar? hardcore bodybuilding I mean your body can break down sugar pretty quickly can't it? Also Tom Venuto said that red/brown potato's are alright to eat and can hardcore bodybuilding be incorporated with meat/potato/rice basically into a portion'd meal since you need the carbohydrates. I just never understood the philosophy that eating fruit was bad, and eating potato's is bad. It's not fried, and the fruit is nature's candy. Why can't I indulge in some blackberry's if I have a hankering for some sweets? I don't mean to come off harsh, this is just a general question. CarbonB View Public Profile Send a private message to CarbonB Send email to CarbonB Find all posts by CarbonB #13 May 18th, 2005, 03:56 PM gravityhomer Online: Join Date: January 23rd, 2004 Sex: Male Location: Allston, Massachusetts Age: 29 Posts: 1,504 Quote: Originally Posted by CarbonB I was under the impression that potato's or fruit is not a bad thing to eat?