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Walking pretty fast at a high incline is also good. Running, elliptical, rowing, bicycle, stepper, all of these are fitness analysis good. 2) high intensity interval training (HIIT). this is a little more advanced, please search around for more info before doing this. It involves alternating between pushing yourself extremely hard (higher than 75% of the max HR) for a length of time (like a minute) and then slowing down and recovering for the next minute. The fitness analysis principle is, that by fitness analysis alternating like this, your body actually thinks you are exerting yourself at the high intensity for the entire time. So you can get the same workout in less time. HIIT workouts are more typically 20-30 minutes. Many people recommend LISS on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Some people recommend this for HIIT as well although this seems a riskier way to lose fat as you may lose muscle as well. By doing cardio on an empty stomach, you force your cody to draw on fat storage instead of food in your system.