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When you are eating healthy food every 3 hours you are keeping your body burning fat all day long. If you are never hungry and you are never stuffed, plan this plan is the goal, the ideal condition for fat loss. Eat the same amount of carbohydrates as protein. For most people this involves eating a lot more protein, as we tend to eat way more carbs than protein. However, there will be nothing low-carb in the below info. The key is to choose low fat protein sources and plan low fat, slow digesting carbohydrates. For liquids, water is the way to go. You need lots and lots of water for fat loss. For more info, continue reading. You can also skip to the appendix for a prioritized list of what I think are the most important things to concentrate on for fat loss. 2.1 Trying to eat six small meals – this is really easy to say and hard to actually do. Our culture revolves around the three-meal system to the point that it is second nature to us.