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OUTLINE: 1. Some general starting advice: 1.1 Tracking Progress 2. Nutrition 2.1 Eating six meals 2.2 Snacking 2.25 New bench press way to think about food: 2.3 What food to eat 2.35 Websites on healthy foods 2.4 Protein shakes 2.45 Eating certain foods at certain times 2.5 bench press Post workout nutrition 2.6 supplements 3. Muscle 3.05 Switching exercises 3.1 Form 3.2 Breathing 3.3 Tracking progress 4. Cardio 5. Summary Appendix A: A prioritized list 1. Some general starting advice: These are some basic things I have learned about losing fat that I really think many people just don't know. I just want bench press to prepare people that there is a lot of information here, but please read through the whole thing. I am afraid some people will read until they come to a part that they don't agree with, think they can't do, or don't want to do, and then they will stop reading and forget about the rest. You don't need to do everything, but you will find that once you start small somewhere, it is easier to add more things that you learn later.