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This is the place. Confused about fat low calorie loss, eating right and/or weight training and don't know where to begin? low calorie Start by reading the "sticky" posts at the top of this forum. Page 1 of 4 1 234 > Thread Tools Search this low calorie Thread Display Modes Gravityhomer's fat loss guide #1 May 18th, 2005, 02:19 AM gravityhomer Online: Join Date: January 23rd, 2004 Sex: Male Location: Allston, Massachusetts Age: 29 Posts: 1,504 Gravityhomer's fat loss guide I know that there are many ways to successfully lose fat. Making a guide gives people the impression that there is only one way. There is not only one way, I know this. Basically what follows below, is my way for losing fat. I really like it and I think I have become quite successful at it and I have learned a lot in the process. This is basically a way for me to put all the advice I have in one place.