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Is it necessary to keep a food diary? Is it unrealistic fitness components to count calories for the rest of your life or is that just part fitness components of the price you pay for a better body? Lose Weight and Exercise Now ? Or Face the Music Later! My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though fitness components it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American's health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. Weight Gaining I learned about gaining weight when I heard the question of a skinny girl asking, "how does someone gain weight." First I came to surprise because gaining weight is not something that people want to have around you. On the other hand we hear that everyone is asking each other for tips on how to lose weight. Diets, Diets, Diets?Do They Work? Almost everyone has attempted to follow diets and weight loss programs at some time in their lives.