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A The answer depends on the intensity and the angle at which you're exercising, says Los Angeles trainer Ken Alan. Skating uphill offers more toning benefits than skating on flat ground. For maximum toning on the elliptical, increase the angle of the adjustable ramp. "As you increase the bend in the knee and the hip joint, you increase low cholesterol diets the load on the lower-body musculature, which low cholesterol diets gives you tighter, more toned muscles," Alan says. On the stair climber, work at a challenging intensity level and take slow, deep steps rather than shallow, low cholesterol diets fast steps. No matter which machine you choose, just know that aerobic exercise has limited toning benefits. Strength training is far more effective for firming and shaping muscles because your muscles work against much greater resistance. Q I lift weights twice a week for one hour -- one day for upper body and one day for lower body.