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Exercise is most effective for fat loss when combined with a program of reduced calorie and fat intake. With exercise alone, your fat loss will be slow, but steady, and determined by the intensity and volume of exercise you're able to manage each week. fast weight loss diet That's why many people see better initial success if they also adopt a low-calorie, low-fat fast weight loss diet eating fast weight loss diet pattern. Regardless of how you lose your extra fat, regular physical activity has been shown to be critical for keeping weight off once you've lost it. A fat loss of no more than 1-2 lbs/week is recommended for most people. The faster you lose weight, the more likely you will be to gain it back. If you lose just 1-2 pounds of fat every 2 weeks through realistic lifestyle changes, you will be 24-48 pounds lighter by the end of a year! If you would like to have an idea of the number of calories burned by a specific activity, you can ask us for an Energy Expenditure Chart. There are a few things to keep in mind.