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This confirms observations of others that leptin is positively related to body fat at all fatness levels. It also suggests that a steep decline in plasma leptin concentration is triggered by exercise training at the point in time when shake bottle body fat losses approach 5%. Training intensity effects on circadian pattern of leptin concentration. When plasma leptin concentrations are plotted on an hourly basis in fast walking shake bottle and slow walking women, no effect of training is shake bottle seen before women start training (Figure 4) and after 15 weeks of training (not shown). Figure 3: The relationship between Figure 4: Circadian pattern of nocturnal plasma leptin and body fat at three plasma leptin concentration before the experimental time points start of training After 30 weeks of training, however, exercise-trained group displays significantly lower plasma leptin concentrations along with attenuation of nocturnal leptin peak (Figure 5). Figure 5: Circadian pattern of nocturnal Figure 6: The relationship between plasma leptin concentration after 30 training intensity and change in GH weeks of training areas under the curve Hypothesis 3: Exercise intensity will in a dose-dependent fashion increase basal growth hormone (GH) secretion and the ratio of testosterone to sex-hormone binding globulin Exercise intensity and plasma GH concentration.