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Effects of training intensity on body fat level. When body fat levels, determined by whole-body DEXA scans, are plotted as a function of duration of training, it is evident that of the eleven women for whom the data are currently available, those who trained at low walking intensities (below the anaerobic threshold, rmr AT) did not lose any body fat in the course of 30 weeks of rmr training. In contrast, women walking at high walking intensities (up to 30% above the AT) lost progressively more body fat as training proceeded (Figure 1). After rmr 30 weeks of training fat losses approximated 5% of body weight. Figure 1: Changes in body fat Figure 2: Changes in mean level (by DEXA) as a function of nocturnal plasma leptin concentration duration and intensity of training as a function of training intensity In addition, we measured plasma leptin concentration, as this endocrine messenger released by adipocytes is thought to serve as a negative feedback reflecting level of fatness on the energy regulatory system.