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In his book, he explains why the predominance of type I aerobic muscle fibers found in ecotomorphs allow them to do better on high-carb/low-fat diets. This stands in sharp contrast to the highly concentrated type IIb anaerobic fibers concentrated in endomorphs, measuring body fat who are more successful on high-fat/low-carb diets, while hybrid mesomorphs, with their measuring body fat combination of both fibers, do better using a mixture of both diets. First introduced by Harvard’s Dr. William H. Sheldon, measuring body fat somatotyping has been in use since the 1930s and is currently used in the medical community to determine things like finding relationships between morphology and disease, and identifying unique strengths and weaknesses among athletes. “Up until now, the only people who knew how to use somatotyping to maximize fat burning and increase training performance were athletes like cyclists, sprinters, bodybuilders and the like,” says Al.