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Why is that? Because that's how muscle mass gets built! I've learned, through my past mistakes, that you CANNOT make gains without the proper training method. These Are Insider Secrets The Supplement Companies Don't Want You To Know Supplements are just that... they supplement your training. They don't take the place of it. (By the way, if you invest in my program, I show you exactly what supplements are proven to work. I also show you how and when fat loss exercise to take them to get the best possible results.) But that's not all. You definitely will NOT fat loss exercise get the muscle mass you want by copying some "pro" guy's workout routine if he got big by taking thousand of dollars worth of steroids. That's an insane waste of time and energy. After all, you and I both know they don't get that big from just training and taking supplements. The routines you see in the muscle mags are written by bodybuilders with steroid-built physiques.