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Exact step-by-step routines for you to follow. These routines will make you 20-40 pounds heavier(with muscles) by the end of the program. How to avoid overtraining and never ever experience a “plateau ” again. How to put on as much as 20 percent increase on your arms cardiovascular exercise in just one day. How the principle of“progressive overload ” can stop your growth process cardiovascular exercise dead in the water. Why the standard three days a week training is cardiovascular exercise detrimental to your mass gaining objective. How to open the floodgates of muscle growth. Two simple techniques will show you how. Discover how to unleash the raw muscle growth potential that lies untapped in your body Three mass building principles that are far more important that nutrition. These principles dictates 99% of your training success and virtually no one uses it or acknowledges it. Learn how to use it to get consistent day after day improvements in muscle mass Learn a technique that will increase the size of your arms by a half-inch in as little as your first workout ...Guaranteed