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Strength gains are astonishing. Before FastMuscles I used 400 pounds south beach diet on my leg press for 12 full repetitions. south beach diet At the end of the hyperplasia workouts I was pressing 990 pounds for 15 full repetitions- and this was without a spotter. That is over 140 percent increase in 12 weeks. This is despite the fact that I am a Hard gainer and despite the fact that I have never used steroids, or any growth-inducing drug. How many of you can lay claim to that level of progress? Not many! And this is because of the “conventional south beach diet programs" you currently follow. I am telling you if an average person like myself can do it, so can you too. Most people can gain muscular weight over a period of time. And they are usually lucky to gain anything at all considering the “cookie cutter routines” they follow. Can you imagine the progress these guys will make using hyperplasia workouts?