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But I have read enough on the subject to know what steroids can do. pilatesexercise plan I get angry when I see guys advertising their courses based on their remarkable transformation. For one, if they go from looking like a pencil neck to a full-blown bodybuilder, you know it is steroids. These guys are ripped to shreds thanks to the power of diuretics pilatesexercise plan and anabolic steroids. I am sorry but it is a fact, the only way you can spot 4-6 percent body fat level is by using illegal growth enhancing pilatesexercise plan drugs or dieting religiously. Normal drug free bodybuilders can't achieve that level of muscle mass and low body fat without the aid of drugs. Now if you look at my picture which was taken with a Web cam, you will notice that there is no evidence of cut and paste technology. My body is built yet it is not built to an abnormal degree like a professional bodybuilder. I am huge, don’t get me wrong , and at 235 pounds I am far beyond average but I carry my mass well and I do not stick out like a sore thumb when I walk into a room.