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Why personal training Are There Different Diet Types? Diet is a dreadful word for most of us because it will mean food deprivation. This is especially so for those who love to eat, hearing this word seems like asking them to commit suicide. However, the term diet is not what we know it to be, because the definition of the word diet is "the personal training usual food and drink of a person" or "something that is used, enjoyed or provided regularly". Having said this, nothing is dreadful personal training in the word; in fact, it is something enjoyed as the dictionary tells us. Will this change our fear of the word diet? May be not but at least I will try and explain a little bit more about diet and dieting that we know it to be. Trans Fat: Whats That!? Learning the jargon is part of the weight loss journey. Depending on the weight loss or healthy eating program you are on, you will learn lots of things about food and their ingredients.