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Christman, G., Lim,Y., pharmacy Grewal,P. Abu-Isa, R. pharmacy Deleterious effects of walking speed on insulin sensitivity in post-menopausal pharmacy women. Program, Seventy-ninth annual meeting of the Endocrine Society, Minneapolis, MIN, June 11-14, 1997. (2)High-intensity training increases nocturnal pulsatile GH secretion: Borer, K.T., Christman, G., Lim,Y., Grewal,P. Abu-Isa, R. Walking speed is stimulatory to pulsatile growth hormone secretion in post-menopausal women. Med.Sci.Sports.Exer. 1997,29,(No.5) Suppl.: S282:Abstract 1599. (3) Training affects plasma leptin, cortisol, and androgenic action in postmenopausal women: Borer,K.T. Speed-associated increases in plasma leptin are related to decreased energy intake and not decreased body fat in postmenopausal women. Med.Sci.Sports.Exer.1998, 30,(No.5)Suppl.: S185:Abstract 1051. Borer, K.T., Pieper, D., and Lobocki, C. Walking speed affects the quantity and timing of cortisol secretion in postmenopausal women. Sixth meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Jacksonville, Fl, May 6-10, 1998.