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by Nick Nilsson But how can this possibly be? Everywhere you look, it's always overeating problems said that long-duration, low-intensity training is best for fat loss. All high-intensity work does is burn carbohydrates, right? Wrong. After reading this article, I guarantee you'll develop a new respect for high-intensity cardio training for fat loss. Low-intensity exercise is defined as overeating problems working at a heart rate of about 60% to 65% of your maximum heart rate (which is equal to 220 overeating problems - your age = maximum heart rate, thus if you are 20 years old, 220 - 20 = 200 max HR). High-intensity exercise is defined as working at about 75 to 85% or more of your maximum heart rate. Using the previous example for maximum heart rate (max HR=200), working at 60% of your max HR would be 120 beats per minute and 80% of that would be 160 beats per minute. There are several reasons low-intensity exercise is normally recommended for fat loss. 1. It's easy - In many cases people who are trying to lose fat don't always feel energetic enough to do hard training due to the caloric deficit (a.k.a.