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A slow metabolism stops further weight loss and is the main reason why we gain back the weight school of medicine after a diet. Fat Loss Timing As an example of the importance of timing think about this question; When doing a school of medicine weights session and a cardio session in the same workout, which exercise should be completed first? I believe you should always do weights first, why? Weight training is classed as an anaerobic exercise so it burns a larger percentage of carbohydrates for fuel. If you did cardio first you will deplete school of medicine muscle glycogen stores simply because there is more available at the beginning of a workout, and the body prefers this energy source. Now due to low glycogen stores the weights session will now be below the intensity of what is required to build or tone muscle, and without more muscle you won’t increase the metabolism. By doing weights first you have enough carbohydrate stores (glycogen) to train well and boost the metabolism, also a good weights session will deplete the glycogen levels which sets the optimum TIME to burn more fat through the cardio session.