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No change or increases in PPAUC are indicative of no increases in insulin sensitivity or increases in insulin resistance at high walking speeds. In the present study, insulin sensitivity (SI) mesured with the frequently-sampled intravenous conan glucose tolerance test (FSIVGTT), was inversely related to training intensity in women who did conan not lose more than 3% of the body fat during training (Figure 10). Increased insulin conan sensitivity usually is seen after a single exercise bout and persists in trained individuals at rest so long as it is not allowed to decay during six or more days of inactivity . Increased insulin sensitivity is often associated with body fat loss, but can also be expressed in the absence of fat loss. Exercise and body fat loss by dieting appear to improve the capacity of muscle to take up and utilize glucose by different mechanisms, exercise more through increases in insulin sensitivity, and weight loss more through increases in glucose tolerance.