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Pick a total number of reps as a goal.DB or KB swings: 1x30 seconds with a light to medium weight. Build up to 2x1 minute. Hanging leg raises: 25 total, bringing feet up to the lovely fatties bar. Day 2: (Wednesday) Clean and Push Press (from lovely fatties high hang): Follow the same rules that apply lovely fatties to the snatch. Move the bar fast. One minute rest. 5x10, slowly increasing to 10x10, then add 10 lbs and go back to 5x10. >Back Squat: 5x5 These are all working sets. In fact, I recommend using the same weight for each set. One minute rest between sets. Use a light to moderate weight that allows completion of the sets and reps and a DEEP squat (all the way down). Chin Ladder: For example, 12345. Do 3-4 ladders.DB seesaw press: Hold 2 DB's or KB's at shoulder height. Press one up, reaching as high as possible and contract your obliques on the side of the low DB/KB.