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Forum as Coach Burgener will be writing an article on this topic very soon. After this first teaching session (or once the lifts from the high hang have been adequately mastered), it is time to get into the actual workouts. The goal of these sessions is to move the bar fast and aggressively on every rep. The bar should snap into the ironman training catch position. The weight on the bar is not that important. In fact, most women will ironman training start with an empty bar or ironman training even a light bar. However, heavy breathing and sweating will result. That is a good thing. Here is a sample program: Day 1: (Monday) Snatch (from high hang): 5x10, one minute rest between sets. Start with a light weight that enables the completion of the sets and reps. The key is to move the bar fast. Jump hard, pull hard and move the feet fast. Bring the bar down and go right into the next rep.