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Please limit cardio to 1-2 days week. Yes I do mean only 1 to 2 days a week of light cardio. Intense cardio can inhibit your weight training efforts to put on more lean muscle mass for the end goal of a higher metabolism. -Phase 2: 4-6 weeks of moderate weight training/cardio. This phase is when you peter field peck already built up some muscle. Now is the time to add some cardio on top of your elevated metabolism to reduce fat stores. Your week should have peter field peck 3 days of cardio workouts and peter field peck 3 days of resistance exercise. -Phase 3: 1-3 weeks of mostly cardio and some weight training. You should be doing 5 days of cardio and 2 days of full body weight training. After this cycle is complete repeat back to Phase 1. 3. Your Diet This is probably the most confusing and misrepresented component of healthy weight loss. I’ve decided to break it down to a few key points -Eat 5-6 small meals a day.