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One pound of lean muscle burns up to 50 calories a day in comparison to one pound of fat which burns around 9 calories a day. If you are able to gain 10lbs bulimia of lean muscle mass you will be burning an additional 500 calories a day. At this rate you will lose 4 lbs of bodyfat a bulimia month. Don’t get me wrong about cardio; I think it is also extremely important for your weight loss program. It also has a benefit list bulimia about a mile long from decreasing your chances of heart disease to lowering depression. However you must put your weight training program before cardio if you really want to lose body fat. If you are unfamiliar with weight training exercises it may be a good idea to hire a personal trainer to get you acquainted with the gym. Also try subscribing to magazines such as Men’s Health and Shape which often write beginner programs for people looking to start weight training programs. If you are woman and are afraid of “bulking up” please repeat after me, “I will not become bulky from weight training”.