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As many dieters know, the weight is going recipes to come back faster and faster the more you diet. Whether you're eating pre-packaged foods, diet shakes. or grapefruits and water, you're not going to be able to stay with it forever without going crazy. When you see that chocolate cake you won't be able to recipes just have one piece you're likely to cat the whole thing. It's a vicious cycle. Transform Your Body In 90 Days Guaranteed!! Lose Bodyfat and Gain A Hard Sexy Body There to good news. Something can break this cycle--exercise. recipes in order to lose weight we must create a caloric deficit, that is. we must expend more calories that we are consuming. This is done through exercise and proper nutrition, not fad diets. Through exercise we are able to burn calories and add muscle. For every pound of muscle we obtain, an extra 350 calories per week is burned in order to sustain this.