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You'll hear the stories in their own words...their own voices. There's no other site like BodyChangers on line, and we were the first site that ever dove this deeply into the HOWS and WHYS of successful physique transformation. Even now, we believe you will find no other resource that is as complete AND inspiring as BodyChangers. But we don't take the credit. It's the incredible stories that our guests have shared six pack abdominals that make this site what it six pack abdominals is. If you're ready - six pack abdominals truly ready - to change your body and your life, you're in the right place. No doubt about it. How did these people get these incredible results? While a variety of approaches are represented in these interviews, there are two programs that are used more than any other. Some here have followed those programs to the letter, while others with a little more knowledge, have successfully "tweaked" these base programs to better suit their own physiology. The great thing about these two programs is that both of them tell you exactly what to do.