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Here The Same training beginner marathon Exercises For Losing AND Gaining Weight?Why is it that people who want to lose weight are told training beginner marathon to exercise and people that want to gain weight are told the same thing? If exercise builds muscle why would people that want to lose training beginner marathon weight want to exercise when its building muscle?Click Here Fat Loss: Is Target Weight Loss Possible?I have heard that there is no such thing as target weight loss. Is this true and if so what do you do about problem areas? I also have a problem with arm jiggle if you have a remedy for that I would greatly appreciate it.Click Here Is It Bad To Eat At Night?I have a question about eating at night. I work out late and then go home, should I not eat? Isn't a caloric deficit necessary to lose fat? Why does timing matter? Don't bodybuilders eat in the middle of the night?Click