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Muscle also gives you a shapely, firm and more defined physique. If you end up with less muscle than when you started, you can bet that your metabolism has been slowed a great deal, which, in the long run, means fat burning program your body will be burning fewer calories and storing more fat. Ultimately, you may get down to the weight that you desire, but you will have more body fat, less muscle mass and no muscle tone. This is why people who have a history of fat burning program dieting off and on (yo-yo dieting), fat burning program will lose weight and look thinner, but still remain very soft or "jiggly". You know them because of their waving triceps. This type of dieting is notorious for weakening the immune system. The best way to lose fat Honestly, if you are tired of being overweight and "soft," or if you desperately just want to develop your "six pack," then you must educate yourself and get serious about changing your body. It has to become a priority in your life (at least until you reach your goal).