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From young adulthood until old age, this muscle loss has been estimated at 30%. Women produce only a fraction of the testosterone and human growth hormones that men do. This means chubby gay it’s harder for us chubby gay to grow or sustain muscle. It’s also harder for us to burn fat. Women chubby gay who are perimenopausal (pre-menopause) have hormone fluctuations that can cause their bodies to produce too much insulin. Insulin is a fat hording hormone. However, don’t believe all is lost. You can successfully manage your weight under these adverse conditions. How? The best way to lose weight is to plan a three pronged, program attack: Structure an eating program to increase metabolic activity, balance insulin levels and to encourage higher levels of human growth hormone (Hgh). Introduce scientifically formulated supplements that switches your metabolic furnance into high gear and switches your body from burning sugar to one that burns fat.