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About the Site :: Food: Our food section features both low fat and low carb recipes. Every recipe includes nutrition data including calories, fat grams, saturated fats, total carbohydrates, fiber, sodium, diet tips protein, and Weight Watcher point values. We add several new recipes every week, and diet tips have over 1,000 recipes to offer. Our food section also offers fast food nutrition which includes the nutrtition for many of your favorite restaurants. Once again, we also offer Weight Watcher point values for most of diet tips our food choices. Every month we offer a featured food which includes history, nutrition, and recipes. You'll also find cookbook reviews and other specials from time to time. Fitness: Our fitness section includes articles, calculators, and book reviews. You will learn how many calories you burn while doing housework or working out at the gym. Choose a fitness plan, then find support in our exercise forums. Diets: Our diet guide includes descriptions of many popular diets such as South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and more.