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The proposed settlement would allow ValueVision to look out for exercises make certain claims for drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration or food or dietary supplement claims that are permitted by statute. Finally, the proposed order would require ValueVision to send a letter to all purchasers who bought any of the look out for exercises five products through ValueVision since February 1, 2000. The letter would offer a complete look out for exercises refund for up to three bottles of the product, including shipping and handling charges, to those consumers who were dissatisfied. March 19 2006 Annuities: Fool's Gold or Fiscal Smarts? Amtrak Attempts a Makeover Wal-Mart to Begin Dispensing "Morning After" Pill This Week Two More RU-486 Deaths Reported Groups Issue "Call to Action" Against Phishing Scams Civil Rights Group Charges Five Lenders With Discrimination NY Accuses H&R Block of IRA Marketing Fraud More News ...