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lbs., and over weight 13 lbs. respectively. Group one experienced a loss of muscle mass while the group two gained the greatest muscle mass, -2.4 lbs., 2 lbs., and 1 lb. respectively (30). Regular exercise tends to preserve lean body mass even with caloric restriction (31). Van Loan, M. D. et al. evaluated the effects of endurance exercise on over weight fat-free mass and nitrogen balance, with energy restriction or with energy intake to meet non-exercise needs in obese women. Endurance exercise had a slower rate of weight loss and a lower loss of fat free mass than the diet over weight and exercise group. Nitrogen balance was more positive in the endurance exerciser group than the diet and exercise group. Although, changes in fat free mass, assessed by nitrogen balance, were different from the results obtained by total body electrical conductivity. This difference suggest decreased FFM were due to fluid losses, which were confirmed by deuterium dilution procedures.