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The results showed that the total proportion of fat in the body, particularly in the abdominal region, was reduced significantly in the FOX (fish oil & exercise) group, but not by dr phil weight loss challenge fish oil or exercise alone. Wow. dr phil weight loss challenge This is the first recent study I've found that actually demonstrates that fish oil does indeed produce fat loss. What's more? While blood pressure tended to decrease with fish oil alone, the tendency was once again greatest in the FOX group. FOX also had a beneficial effect on heart rate variability, triglyceride levels and artery function. dr phil weight loss challenge Amazing results in only 3 months! Dr. Howe also states that "omega-3 protects blood vessel walls by increasing their elasticity and improving endothelial dilation, enabling increased delivery of nutrients to exercising muscles." This makes me wonder what the effect of fish oil is on building muscle mass when combined with strength training. If you're trying to lose weight, don't just exercise, take fish oil too!